I know you guys had noticed the spam bot registrations that have been happening, but I don't know if you were aware of how MANY were happening. We'd get about 1 new registration per hour. There were so many that I could not easily go through them and distinguish the real from the bot. Hopefully it didn't discourage new REAL PEOPLE from registering.
But, I just put a mod in place that helps prevent bots from registering, so now the user count will not increase artificially! Also, real people who want to register will get approved right away, instead of having to wait for days or weeks while I sift through all the fake registrations...
The ink of a scholar is worth a thousand times more than the blood of a martyr Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? "When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die"
There was already a captcha, actually. The bots were sailing through it. The mod i added just adds an extra question to the registration form. Apparently the bots don't expect it so they can't automatically fill out the form.
log out and try to register to see what the question is...