Fuck Artest, the Wolves need a center!

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Taiyed Brodel
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Fuck Artest, the Wolves need a center!

Post by $ayzak »

If KG and Wally continue playing the way they are, they'd only need an average 7-footer to become a contending team again. Olowokandi is useless garbage, and I feel bad for any team that gets stuck with that lazy clumbsy idiot. In 24 minutes he got 6 uncontested rebounds (that anyone on the floor would have got if he weren't there) and zero points. Despite that, the Wolves are still above .500.

Although, take a few guys off our bench, get rid of Olowokandi, and take Artest... still an improved team. But I don't like Artest. Why get rid of Sam Cassel and Latrel Sprewell because of their drama, and then make a bid for Artest? What is in the water in Minnesota? I'm glad I'm drinking Soda which is made in a factory in Atlanta.

Just like the Vikings. Get rid of moss for his drama and then have a sex scandel and scalp some tickets.

Minnesotans are the worst fucking drivers ever, by the way.

Alright, I'm done.

And I'm moving out of this state.
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