So who's seen this movie? I watched it the other night and when i was younger when the kid says "REDRUM" it would make me cry. Guess what, i almost cried again! Im such a pussy haha. I dont get scared easily so I dont know why this little kid saying REDRUM freaks me out.
Here's what really freaked me out. For the past 2 nights, I would wake up in the middle of te night and the movie would be on at the SAME EXACT spot in the movie where the kid says REDRUM before the black guy gets killed!! TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW!!!! AT THE SAME EXACT SPOT!! Thats scary man!!
But I do love the part where Jack Nicholson says "Wendy give me the bat. I'm only going to bash your fucking brains in!" Haha. He's awesome!
Last edited by *Dana* on Thu May 05, 2005 5:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
did you watch the old one or the new one? the old one is way better. whenever i watch the new one i start laughing because i think of that guy playing on the show wings (its the same guy. lol)
midnightangel wrote:did you watch the old one or the new one? the old one is way better. whenever i watch the new one i start laughing because i think of that guy playing on the show wings (its the same guy. lol)