Gotta love job interviews...

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Gotta love job interviews...

Post by Alexnova »

...especially the ones that make you feel that you got the job, but didn't.

Happened to me today, so shed some fucking tears for me TB, I need some empathy.

Maybe I need to start bullshitting in these interviews. But don't they all just come off as extremely fake though? I try to go in genuine and I don't put positive spin on shit I don't know how to do.
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Re: Gotta love job interviews...

Post by logosteel »

I feel for ya. Finally got out of retail into a contractor job in the gov't....yet every time I interview, someone else is found.
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Re: Gotta love job interviews...

Post by mystoneybaby »

Sometimes you gotta talk up your potential like you've already attained it.

I feel your pain though, I do wish bad interviews would just be obviously bad. It's that all-hopes-dashed feeling that kills me more than not getting the job.

Also, putting a positive spin on everything is always good. Doesn't mean you have to lie. "I haven't done ___ specifically but here are several other things that all share components with ___. I'm sure my experience with those would lend to quick adoption of the techniques used for ___".
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Re: Gotta love job interviews...

Post by Alexnova »

Congrats logosteel. I'm sure you don't miss retail for a minute, I know I don't.
mystoneybaby wrote:Sometimes you gotta talk up your potential like you've already attained it.

You should have seen how cocky I was before the interview, and then not getting the gig rolled over my ego. :D

I feel your pain though, I do wish bad interviews would just be obviously bad. It's that all-hopes-dashed feeling that kills me more than not getting the job.

Oh I hear you on that last part especially.

The interesting thing with this position is she sent me an email stating that if there were two positions open I would have an offer for one of them. And that if a position does come up in 3-6 months she will offer me the job with no interview. She mentioned my skillset and interview was impressive.

I think the issue was we may not have "clicked" in the interview because it was very informal and they hardly asked any questions. I had to be the one to bring up why I was interested in the company and their background. They admitted to being exhausted from other interviews that week and since I was the last one well yeah...

So I think the results were the best possible for not getting the position. I'll probably call in a few weeks saying I'm still interested and dismissing any notion that I am holding a grudge for not getting the position. It's actually a tougher pill to swallow that I got 2nd place out of the ranking and was almost there.

Also, putting a positive spin on everything is always good. Doesn't mean you have to lie. "I haven't done ___ specifically but here are several other things that all share components with ___. I'm sure my experience with those would lend to quick adoption of the techniques used for ___".
And that sounds wonderful on paper, but I am awful communicating that out of my mouth lol.
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Re: Gotta love job interviews...

Post by Shiny »

last year i did 4 interviews with a reputable company (2 phone, 2 in person). was offered the position. kept saying they were waiting for so-and-so to get back from vacation to bring me in to sign my paperwork. weeks go by. receive an email at 11pm one night finally from the recruiter who basically said "ah, nevermind, they decided that they don't need this position anymore! sorry!'

so basically things are competitive everywhere and companies/interviewers can be grimey. i kinda learned to never trust anything in the interview itself to be a real indicator of whether or not you'll get the job. that way i don't get my hopes up. one time i clicked very well with an interviewer and she even walked me to the elevator at the end, which i interpreted as meaning "she loved me. i definitely got this". but i definitely didn't get it.

but just keep tryin. interviews are a weird thing where you just have to act like you think they want you to act and hope for the best.
But don't they all just come off as extremely fake though?
yeah. unless you happen to be interviewing for a company that values artistry and individuality or is some sort of free-spirited and relaxed place, you probably have to be fake as hell if you aren't already a narcissistic douche. but whatever, it'll get you a job.
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Re: Gotta love job interviews...

Post by Jordan311 »

Shiny wrote:one time i clicked very well with an interviewer and she even walked me to the elevator at the end, which i interpreted as meaning "she loved me. i definitely got this". but i definitely didn't get it.
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Re: Gotta love job interviews...

Post by Alexnova »

LOL Jordan
Shiny wrote:last year i did 4 interviews with a reputable company (2 phone, 2 in person). was offered the position. kept saying they were waiting for so-and-so to get back from vacation to bring me in to sign my paperwork. weeks go by. receive an email at 11pm one night finally from the recruiter who basically said "ah, nevermind, they decided that they don't need this position anymore! sorry!'

so basically things are competitive everywhere and companies/interviewers can be grimey. i kinda learned to never trust anything in the interview itself to be a real indicator of whether or not you'll get the job. that way i don't get my hopes up. one time i clicked very well with an interviewer and she even walked me to the elevator at the end, which i interpreted as meaning "she loved me. i definitely got this". but i definitely didn't get it.

but just keep tryin. interviews are a weird thing where you just have to act like you think they want you to act and hope for the best.
But don't they all just come off as extremely fake though?
yeah. unless you happen to be interviewing for a company that values artistry and individuality or is some sort of free-spirited and relaxed place, you probably have to be fake as hell if you aren't already a narcissistic douche. but whatever, it'll get you a job.
LMAO one of my coworkers was a narcissistic douche who got a new job that he was in no way qualified for, good for him but I doubt he lasted for very long cause he could run his mouth...

Interviews are so bullshit though.
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Re: Gotta love job interviews...

Post by Tehshewz »

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Re: Gotta love job interviews...

Post by $nipe »

Companies nowadays are looking for someone to fill a very specific profile, and that is why they have a hard time hiring people. Interviewers might think you're the one and if you thought they liked you, they probably did; the problem lies when they have to convince their superiors or co-workers.
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Re: Gotta love job interviews...

Post by $lmjimy311 »

I just had one with BBT about their legal department. Apparently I have to go through a ten month training program that I can't do right now because 1 I haven't finished law school and two I can't take ten months off. I asked her after she told me all that how the interview went and if there was anything I could do to improve. She said that I honestly did everything right, said everything right and that I was "perfect". So that was a nice little confidence booster.

Someone I know took the same interview with the same person for the same position about an hour after me and she told him all the opposite information as me. That she had no idea how to get into the legal department, told him to apply for the 10 month thing online, etc... She told me exactly how to get to the legal department path, told me not to apply online and do it through the career fair, and there was a few more, but this just confirmed for me that she wasn't full of shit when she complimented me.
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Re: Gotta love job interviews...

Post by KyleRayner »

I Want to Believe :evil5:
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